Saturday, January 2, 2010

What's for dinner this week?

So I haven't done a very good job at cooking as much as Chad would like. I have the hardest time coming up with what to cook, then when something does sound good I never have all of the ingredients. So Chad agreed that he would come up with options and even do the grocery shopping for them, if I would cook more. I am hoping it will work out ( and so is he)
So I decided that I would document what I cook incase that any of the 3 of you that read this have the same problem with ideas can have a couple more. Also i can look back and remember what we did and if it was any good.

Chicken and Broccoli curry
Taco Pie
Beef Strogonoff

i should probably put in recipes too but we'll see


Laura Robins said...

Definitely post the recipes! I made a cookbook for all my family members for christmas. I am always trying to add to my collection, but I have some good ones I could swap with you if you want. If you want them in a nice book you can buy the one I made for like $20. I made it on Anyway, just let me know.

Cassidy said...

My sister in law has a cooking blog of only her tried and true awesome recipes that we use frequently! There are some AWESOME blogs too that help with menu making and good recipes... or! Good luck!

Jessica Munk said...

Wow! That is a great deal!! I wish Jon would do that! :)

The Andersen Adventures said...

Look, I'm comment number 4! More than 3 people read your cute blog!!! I love to cook! We'll have to swap recipes sometime! Happy cooking!