Sunday, May 31, 2009

Outside fun!

Loving the weather! We have been spending alot more time outside. Where we live in my parents' basement, we have a walkout basement with no steps or anything, so we will leave the door open and Jack will just come in and out and loves to find rocks and sticks and anything else that he can see.
It has gotten to be pretty warm so we decided to get a little pool that we can put in the yard and Jack can play in. The first day we didn't get him out there till after dinner. I was just going to put his feet in to see what he would think.... needless to say he LOVED it and I didn't get him out for about 30 minutes. Also, in the evenings we have been going and hanging out in the front yard (where there isn't big dog poop) so that we can play on the grass. Sally (our puppy)(name from Cars) loves to run around and play in the flower beds (my dad hates it, think she will ruin his flowers) and we are trying to get Jack to be less afraid of the grass.

The other day Chad was mowing the lawn and Jack freaks out, seruious melt down freak out, whenever there is loud noises. This includes the blow dryer, vaccume and lawn mower, I'm sure I will find more things as time goes by. He did ok the other day when I held him while I vacumed so I asked Chad to let Jack help to see if he would do better. It helped, mostly. but it made for a cute picture.


Marsie Pants said...

Man, you have a cute kid!

Justin Gibb said...

Your kid is a tank! I love seeing my buddies having kids! It is awesome. Hope your are doing well.

my blog is

we don't have any cute kids to take pictures of, but we will someday.
