Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Almost 6 weeks ago we had a ultrasound with maternal fetal medicine. Usually you can't tell gender at that young of an age, but we saw something that resembled boy parts. There was still a small chance that it could have been cord, but we were pretty sure that we were having another boy. Well yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound at the doctors office. We got the confirmation that it was a boy. We are so excited to have 2 little boys together and hope they become good buddies. Well about half way through the ultrasound it came out that we were going to have another one with maternal fetal medicine the next day. The girl got a little upset saying that we didn't need both and cut it short. We didn't get many pictures and none that were very good shots. At the time we didn't worry about it because we knew we had the other scan coming up. Well we went today and everything looks really good with the baby, no problems. Well I guess my placenta was a little low lying, but the doctor bet us her next 3 paychecks that it would migrate up. I'm really hoping that it doesn't!!! I know that means I will have to have a c-section, but I would also get a sweet payday! ;) So with all of the great shots we got of this little guy we only got 1 picture printed out and the only reason they printed it was because it was one if the biggest she has ever seen. I had to document this just so that in 15 years I can embarrass him with it. hope I don't get in trouble for posting things of an inappropriate nature!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Jack has been really into his Woody doll the past few days and he was getting really upset that Woody's hat didn't fit him. So we found a hat for him and some old boots that Chad had from when he was little. He had a hard time standing in the boots at first but now I can't get them off him.
Friday, May 14, 2010
So Jack is young enough that we can get away with not making a big deal about holidays still (unfortunately I think that will end soon) My family has a get together everyyear and my parents do a big egg hunt. Unfortunately my dad has is lawn fertilized that morning so we had the hunt inside again. They let all the little kids come in first and get the "easy eggs" then the big kids came in and finished it off. But I will say that I was over there the other day looking for something and did find another hidden egg! Luckily they were all plastic!

2 years old!!! (a couple months ago!)
I know I am terrible about keeing up on this blog, but I do want to try to do better!

Jack turned 2 over 2 months ago and he is such a BIG kid. I took him to the doctor with me and we weighed him and he was a wopping 35 lbs. The nurse asked how old he was I said he just turned 2 and she said he is the same size as her 3 1/2 yo. He is just a big kid!
Anyway my camera died on his birthday so i got a couple pictures of him and his cake and the rest are on my phone I will try to get those off and add them to this eventually.
i made him a lego cake he LOVES his blocks, unfortunately I never got a picture of the whole cake.
Two year old attitude!
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