Friday, January 16, 2009


We were having breakfast this morning, Jack has a hard time picking up little pieces or bananas because they are so slippery so I just cut off a couple inch piece and he gums it off. That is all fine I'm all about him doing it himself. Then I was feeding him oatmeal, because seriously a 10 month old trying to eat oatmeal by himself that would be a mess. So we were eating and he had eaten probably 3/4 of it and he started banging on the tray. That usually means he wants more, so i go in for the next bite and he flaps his arms and the spoon goes flying, and lands right on his head. I couldn't get mad it is classic... baby with oatmeal on his head I just looked at Chad and asked him to get the camera.

After that I figured he already had banana in his ear and oatmeal on his head, why not give him a biter biscuit it will keep him happy while we clean up. So basically after his breakfast experience he got a bath. Man he is a cute kid!

1 comment:

Merfy said...

Hilarious! I love that you had the thought to get the camera because missing this moment would be so sad! And yes, he is pretty darn cute!