Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Follow the leader
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Mommy
I was not the only one excited about what was going on, I had enlisted the help of everyone and Jack and Grandma were just as excited.
Maren decided she need to have a little snack first!
At the office Joey had a stack of a 150 pages of profits and losses by job description, man this is a long list and how many pages do I have to look through were just a few of the disgusted phrases we heard during the search. My favorite was man this is not fun at all! Maybe this task wasn't, but I think we all had a good time in the end.
Like I said it took a little while until Maren found the page she was looking for, but when she did she got her next clue and it was off to Merfs House.
But luckily she was a good sport about it and got her next clue. From Merf's house our next clue led us to Sta's house where Maren had to find her favorite kids book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
But before she could get her next clue to go to Jana's house she had to read the book to all of the kids.
At Jana's house Maren had to decide if she was going to eat a bowl of oatmeal, a bowl of red hots or a can of sardines in tomato sauce.Luckily she decided to eat the red hots because the sardines were just mean and she hates oatmeal! Her next clue was to go to Lisa's house.
At Lisa's house Maren had to chip a golf ball into the targets before she got her next clue. Luckily she was a good shot because it was cold outside. From there she got her next clue to go to my Mom's house.
For her last task Maren had to beat McClain in a fun game of Wii bowling before she got her presants and we had enchiladas, and dessert.It was hard to tell who had more fun opening Marens gifts. She got a new laptop and has been playing on it since she got it! She absolutely loves it.
After all the presents we had yummy cupcakes, it is like a personal cake for everyone! It was very yummy and big suprise for Maren! We hope it was as much fun for you as it was for us! We love you lots, and hope you had a Happy Birthday!!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Our First: Blog Post and Road Trip
When we got down to St. George, Jack decided that the king size bed in our hotel room was going to be his. I know what you are all saying and yes he is only seven months old, but he is in charge!
After that we hoped in the car and drove the back roads to Kannab to see Great-Grandma Cloward. We also got to saty at Marens Aunt and Uncle's little hotel called Aikens Lodge down by Zions. For being in the middle of no where it really was nice and Jack had a great time playing on the bed!
On the way home we had to deicide if we were going to take the long way home or the short way. We decided to take the scenic way and drive trough Gunnision where we got to see Great-Grandma J and Grandma Jane.
After that we went and saw Great-Grandma Yaple, she was so excited to see Jack. She has not been feeling well and we have not been over to see her a lot lately even though she lives so much closer than all the other Great-Grnadmas.
All in all it was a great trip, and all the Grandma's enjoyed seeing Jack, but he was glad to be home and wanted to just hang out and snuggle on his own couch!