Friday, July 17, 2009

Gooodbye hair!

It has been too long since Jack got a haircut, it was starting to get scary amounts of long. So we decided that since it was summer we would just get rid of it all. We took him out in the back yard and buzzed of all of those long locks!
The before picture

(apparently I had to work hard to get it all off!)

After he was covered in hair, so we took him to the front yard and hosed him off... He LOVED it!

(I tried to post a video too so you could hear him laughing at it all, but couldn't get it to work)

The after picture.

Moving day!

So I know it has been over a months but I would like to thank my AWESOME sisters for helping us move! I wasn't very good at taking pictures but here are a few of all of the strong girls.

Jana brought some "forearm forklifts" you may have seen them on infomercials but doubted their true effectiveness. I am here to tell you they are a movers best friend. This entertainment center is SO heavy. Chad and Tyler had a rediculously hard time getting it into the new house (we forgot the straps at the old place) but Jana and Lori were able to get it out to the trailer without any problem. Good job girls!

So the Chad only had friday to move so all of the boys were working. So all the girls brought their kids to grandma and grandpa's house, Missy and Fuzzy watched them and the girls all moved. Thanks!

a few pictures up... finally!

So we finally got around to hanging a few pictures in our house. There is still ALOT to go, but here is a peek at some of the things we have done. Sorry about the mess!
Oh and a cute picture of Jack!